Tuesday 24 May 2016

Factors affecting the success of a DMT journey

Increasing the success of a DMT journey
To increase the success of a DMT journey, it is important to understand the factors that may inhibit the ability for you to achieve a sufficient level of DMT within the brain. There is a lot of research and trials needed to gain a better understanding of these factors, but being aware of them will help you prepare.

For this section the assumption is you will be ingesting plant material that contains DMT, therefore make sure you record all quantities of the plant material that you ingest as you may need to adjust the dosage for subsequent trips. That way you will get a better idea for how your body reacts to DMT based on ingesting the plant material.

1. Body weight
Depending on how much you weight, you may need to consume more or less plant material.

2. Amount of DMT in the plant material
If the plant material is not good quality, the total amount of DMT you ingest may be low and hence you may need to ingest more plant material.

3. The amount of plant material ingested
If you do not ingest enough plant material, the overall DMT you ingest may be too low to have an effective trip.

4. Digestion time and absorption levels
If you have stomach problems that may impact digestion or absorption, be aware this may reduce the amount of DMT that enters the blood stream. It could also result in delays getting enough DMT to the brain, so it receives a trickle as opposed to bulk doses.

5. Blood flow to the brain
If you have any issues with your blood flow due to restrictions in your arteries and veins, it may delay the amount of DMT reaching the brain.

6. Blood brain barrier
The primary reason for increasing DMT through ingestion is to maximise the amount of DMT that can cross the blood brain barrier, like glucose and a few other known substances. If you are not 'sensitive' to chemicals in your system, then it may take more time for DMT to cross the blood brain barrier and hence you may need to ingest more capsules or wait longer before you have a successful trip.

7. The amount of food eaten within the past 24hrs
To maximize digestion of the plant material and absorption of the DMT, it is worth fasting for at least 10-15hrs prior to your trip. But make sure you drink plenty of fresh water. Fasting also seems to have a positive effect on increasing natural DMT production within the brain.

8. State of mind
The state of your mind is very important, because your brain reacts and produces chemicals according to how you feel emotionally. Some of these chemicals may ultimately impact how successful your trip is. Current understandings and assumptions are that DMT is produced in the brain during sleep and meditation, hence if your state of mind is calm and relaxed, it may help to increase the amount of DMT produced within the brain.

9. Amount of DMT produced within the brain
As previously mentioned, the goal of ingesting the plant material is to maximise the amount of DMT in the brain and make the trip last for as long as possible, in order to have a successful trip. Depending on the type of person you are, you may already be able to produce a high amount of DMT naturally within the brain, specially when sleeping or meditating. Alternatively, you might produce a lesser amount that someone else. The amount of DMT your brain can produce naturally will greatly determine how successful your trip will be.

Note: Make sure you drink plenty of fresh water and try and restrict the intake of other liquids.

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